Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Digitalazadi?

There are more than enough reasons for which you must choose Digitalazadi for sure. At Digitalazadi, we are focused on creating an open source community for all our customers so that they can easily create their own eCommerce site easily and effectively with the help of our premium WordPress GPL plugins.

When you are making the purchase of a GPL WordPress plugin, then no one provides proof of quality. But at Digitalazadi, we assure all our customers that each and every product of our site comes with Malwares and Virus Free Files.

Why our purchase price is lower?

As all the products comes under General Public Lenience, we are free to redistribute these products if we choose to do so.

Your Purchase and memberships helps us to buy more products from the Developer, This form of crowdfunding helps us to keep the prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to our customers as well.

Are the purchased content original?

Yes, of course! All of our products are 100% Genuine. We have active subscriptions to all the distributer’s sites of the products featured on our website. We download them from their site and redistribute them to you.

We don’t modify these products further except for a few products that need activation before usage. Such products come with a note in the description of the product.

Why Are These Plugins/Themes Asking Me For A License Key?

Ignore it if this happens to you. Our products will work perfectly even without entering anything in the box. So, ignore it!

Keys are just for Author Automatic Updates and support which we do not provide at such a discounted price.

Are you providing update for the purchased product?

Yes, we are providing manual updates for all of our products. So, if you have purchased any WordPress plugin or theme from Digitalazadi, then you don’t need to worry about the update of the product, we provide you free manual updates for 1 year. ( Or lifetime updates if selected). To Download the updated file, please visit your Download section at My account Page.

Can I purchase a product with lifetime free updates?

Yes, you can purchase lifetime free updates for any of the products, but at a higher price. Please contact us for further details of the order.

How long does it take to get an updated version of the product?

You can request an update of any purchased product. We guarantee to update it within 48 hours after the receipt of your request.

Do Digitalazadi provide License Keys?

We cannot and won’t provide/lease/release/resell license keys. All the products offered in this website are licensed under GNU GPL License. You do not need any license keys to use them in as many of your projects you need. This plugins and themes only require license keys to get automatic updates from their authors.

Do Digitalazadi provide support?

No, support is not included with the GPL products at such a Discounted Price. If you need any technical support, we recommend you to hire a freelancer or you could ask for help in WordPress Community Forums.

Is there any restrictions on the number of downloads from Digitalazadi?

No, We care your work so unlike other websites we have not imposed any restrictions on downloads on any of our membership plans.

Can I use these plugins and themes on multiple sites?

You can use the Plugins or Themes on as many sites as you like. As all the products are GPL means there is no restriction on the use.

How to fix “style.css missing” error while uploading themes?

A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This is because the theme download package on ThemeForest includes additional files to the theme such as the documentation, license etc.

To solve this simply unzip the theme package you downloaded from Digitalazadi and upload the file which is included (with the file being the name of the theme).

Your can check our knowledge base help center here.

Can I resell these products?

No, you can’t! We are not encouraging leeching or reselling or stacking up our products. If we will discover any such activity from you, then we will ban you immediately from our site.

Can I request new products?

Yes, You can send your request on our Request a product page, But accepting the requests will depend on the circumstances as we receive many requests for the products. Items availability are subject to change without any prior notice.

Why a product is not updated or has been removed?

It happens in case if the subscription with the original developer has expired and we are not intended to continue it further due to any reason. In certain cases, due to trademark issues or DMCA notices, we do remove the products from our site.

How can I hide license warnings?

If you want to hide the license reminder, then you can do so with the help of a free plugin like “WP Nag Hide.” but before using this plugin, we recommend visit the read the documentation page of plugin.

Will my product stop working after my membership or 1 year period expires?

Not at all! You will not face any such issue. Even if your subscription plans expire then after also you will be able to use the product without any trouble. Although you will not be able to download plugins or theme or its update anymore, but yes, you can use the already downloaded products.

How can I contact you in case I haven’t found the answer to my question?

If you haven’t found the answer, please contact us via e-mail, online chat or feedback form. As a rule, we respond to inquiries within one business day.